It is quite possible that a good portion of the GB know the entire religion is BS. They know the TATT better than anyone. So not quite sure what you are getting at. Are we to feel some empathy because they may very well be non-believers? They or even one of them could make some attempts in meaningful reform. However, they still push no education, no blood, shunning, and horrible treatment of children that have been molested.
ust like us, bidding their time and enjoying what they have at the moment, until either they die or until the jig is up and it’s all gone.
Isn’t that what we are doing?
No, not at all. I left but my situation is different. Those that stay in faded are not responsible for the horrible policies that are enforced and written. These are men that make the rules, and are not simple "bidding their time." They are active in spreading lies and damaging the lives of countless ones.